Bookbabble, My first book club meeting

For the month of June the Richardson Public Library's Bookbabble 4th Tuesday 7:30 group read The Trouble With Goats and Sheep by Joanna Cannon. 

I love reading and even more so I love talking about the book I've just finished. It's the pedialyte to my book hangover. I've attempted in a few different ways to either create or be apart of a Book Club and I've had a difficult time with finding the right group but I wasn't giving up.
The meeting was 6 days away and I had hardly gotten passed the first chapter, I had to put my butt into gear. This is Cannon's first book, she is a medical doctor turned psychiatrist turned writer. Her story is very interesting and discovering has made me appreciate the story even more.  

The Synopsis:
Mrs Creasy disappeared on a Monday.
I know it was a Monday, because it was the day the dustbin men came, and the avenue was filled with a smell of scraped plates.
England, the summer of 1976 and the heat is blazing and Mrs Creasy is missing.
The avenue is alive with whispers, as the heat mingles with the swirling dust of rumours and long-buried secrets, bringing old resentments to the surface.
For ten-year-old Grace and her best friend Tilly the mystery is a welcome distraction from the usual round of summer holiday boredom and as the summer shimmers endlessly on, they decide to take matters into their own hands.
Yet as the cul-de-sac starts giving up its secrets, the amateur detectives will find much more than they imagined...

Tuesday night with pasta and a glass of wine in my tummy I walked confidentially up to the information desk at my library and proudly told her I was there for the Bookbabble meeting. She asked if I was taking the stairs or the elevator, Ouch, "the elevator please". I go to the second floor down the hall and to the right, I feel so official. The room is occupied by three women and a man, plenty of open seats around the conference table. I can feel the alert in the room rise when I enter, they must not have a lot of new members. Slowly others join and by 7:30 the table is full, a lady brings pecan banana loaf, it's still warm and she's a teacher. The conversation sticks to the subject which excites me and everyone speaks at one point or another and more than just a sentence. I'm so excited. The room could use a little diversity but it's a start!

Maybe one day I can host my own book club at the Richardson Public Library.
