The Before...

The library was dropped off last week and as soon as John pulled off I was diving into the box. Pleasantly surprised the house was already painted, this put me one step closer to the finish line.

I've added a few personal touches, asked a few questions and watched a couple of videos. Here are my results...

The most helpful video I found was from the Little Free Library organization it self, it's my kit exactly and right to the point. 

There were a few accessories I knew I was going to include, a dog hook, a water bowl and a chair. I came across a few other ideas a long the way. 

I did lots of research, it's my favorite part of any new project. First place I went to of course was the Little Free Library's website, they are a bit more pricey than I wanted to spend but I image they take some of the margins for the organization.  I'll link there stuff along with what I ended up purchasing.

The dog hook was my first purchase. The corner of our street where the library will be is a high traffic area for dog walkers, so I knew this was going to be useful. 

1. Dog Hook 
2. Franklin Brass Paw Print Wall Hook *This is the one I purchased
3. Water bowl, in Texas it gets hot and with the shade from the tree and a hook for their leash I can't forget the water! This is actually just the insert to a series of interchangeable bowls. I'm not going to invest too much, one of the pointers I kept getting was "Don't put anything out you couldn't part with"

I also went with a glass bowl because some dogs can actually be allergic to plastic. Frida (my dog) is, I noticed one day her nose was especially dry and read about dogs being allergic to plastic so I switched out her bowls and bidi bidi bom bom, problem solved.
4. Dog Treats, I haven't decided if I'm going to do this or not but I thought I'd included it just in case
5. Snapware airtight food storage pet treat canister
6. Adirondack Plastic Chair, I got mine from Wal*Mart for about $12, I couldn't find it online but here's a picture of one from Home Depot
I also got this super cute blue outdoor pillow for $5, I sewed some elastic around the top 2 corners and slid it over the back of the chair along with ties on the bottom 2 corners in hopes that if someone had to untie the pillow they might not take it

7.Lights, this was not apart of my original plan but quickly into my quest for ideas I found it comes highly recommended. I'm not sure entirely how much direct sun my LFL will get because it's right under a great big Pecan tree, so I opted for rechargeable

the backing is sticky and I figured with three I can rotate them out and they all come with their own USB charging cord. They are heavy and have a nice quality feel to them, they are made for indoors so will it last after a rain? idk
8.Solar Lights, if those don't work I'll probably go with this next
9. Spiral Ring Outdoor Anchor, like I mentioned before the corner lot is a high traffic area for people and cars, I did not want to be responsible for the chair blowing into the road so I'll anchor them down with these bad boys
When I first looked these up I found them at Home Depot, I went to 2 Home Depots and no one A. Knew what I was talking about or B. Could find them, so Amazon for the win again. Also these are 16 inches, might be a little over kill but oh well
Well that's what I go so far. I'm sure as time goes on I'll add and learn from mistakes. I'll keep you posted.
Cheers, Brianna
