The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge

Now I've never been a huge fan of The Gilmore Girls, we were not a big TV family growing up and it never bothered me, obviously. Probably about 5 years ago I came across this list of books, it was suppose to be alllll the books ever mentioned on the hit TV show. It's an interesting list, a great variety and some classics, some really big reads and some fun ones too.

Lately I've been interested in collecting all my favorite childhood books. I wish I could go back to my elementary library and pull my check out history, wouldn't that be cool? This was sparked during a search for books to contribute to the LFL and I came across The Rough Faced Girl by Rafe Martin. I had completely forgotten about this treasure of a remake on the classic Cinderella story but as soon as I came across the cover I had all the feels.

Anyways back to the Rory Challenge, sorry I got distracted! I found a website that has list! I love list. And you can tick off each book from the The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge as you go. So I signed up real quick with Facebook and checked off all the ones I've already read and printed the list of the ones left. Not that I don't have enough inspiration to read now (or that I'm lacking in my own TBR lists) but that's not going to stop me.

So if you're ever looking for something to read that might not be on your list...
